

Well, I said I'd touch on family and I'm going to stay true to my word.

Merry Christmas everyone. It's about 10:05 and I'd like to make an announcement. Like many others, I am very blessed with the family that I have. I am very grateful for their support and kindness towards this next semester. It was something that I truly did not expect.

I know that this semester will be a very challenging experience for them as well as me. I could not ask for more when it comes to my family. I hope that they will excuse me for going so far away and be excited for me and not sad or scared. I think that I will come back with a great plethora of stories and new experiences that will help me to become a better person with a smarter outlook on things.

I hope that I can keep in touch with all of them. I hope this very much.

I'll miss them, they might miss me... and that is that.


Closer still

I'm getting uber excited!! This is where I'll be going... it's winter time! And there is rumors of snow and rain right now... so very unlike Fresno. :)


Friends and thankfulness

I have nothing profound to say... only feelings that I wished to express.

I have been thinking a lot about love and life, friends and family. I think this is because I will soon be leaving them.

Like I stated in my previous post, I went through a period of sadness a couple of weeks ago. Nerves and anxiety overrode my excitement for this adventure. I thought that I would miss out on valuable time making and building relationships with my friends and family here in Fresno. But after realization that I would be used for a greater purpose also in Italy, my hopes and excitement are raised.

In regards to friends: For the last two and a half years I have been thrilled to have the opportunity to live, work, go to school, and make new friends at Fresno Pacific University. I am thrilled with the experiences that I have had there, and for the person I am becoming as a result of the community.

This year especially, I have been able to quote myself again and again as I’ve always said, “there are some quality people at FPU.” My friends are quality people.

Of course, having lived at FPU on campus for the past two years, I knew a lot of people and have had many friends; however, I have been quite blessed to find some extremely remarkable new friends this semester.

It was a bit of a random story involving a Russian language class, putting up Spasenie posters, an invite to Slaviklub and midnight games of Catan and Mafia. The friendships were not only fun, spending nights together most of the weekdays, but they include a deeper sense of brother and sisterhood, as I've attended their Bible studies and with prayer. Certainly a God-send.

Looking back on it now, I feel like I've always known them. Some friendships gracefully blossomed in a matter of two nights. It is truly incredible the love I've felt around these people and how well we've quickly gotten along.

I thank God for this. There are many things that I am thankful for: family, life in America, good education, but for the moment, my heart is overwhelmed with the blessing of these friends.

Thank you friends. Please keep in touch.

That's it for now; I will continue my thoughts on family soon...

Pre-departure thoughts

*This was written on December 03, 2007

Well, I leave the country one month from today. I am going to be studying abroad, in Italy. If you would have tried to talk to me about it yesterday or anytime last week or the week before, I would have shut you down. I was scared.

Thankfully, I talked to an old friend who lives six states away last night and he heard me. He helped me realize my desire to study abroad in the first place. I hoped to not only gain and grow in a cultural experience that I would not get if I stayed in Fresno, but I want to be used by God to shine his light, his love in places around the world. I want to keep obedient to Him even as I live countries away from everything I know. I want to touch people's lives. Even if it's only one person, that He might be glorified.

Yes, I am still a bit nervous, but my excitment is currently overriding my nerves. I've never been abroad before. I've never even seen the east coast of the US. I know that I'll miss all my friends and family--my brothers and sisters in Christ. But I also know that God is with me always, Italy, Spain, Ukraine, bottom of the sea, whatever. I love you guys all. VERY, VERY much. I hope we keep in touch.
love, Jackie