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To be alone with me.

I love the rain.

"to be alone with me, you went upon a tree"
-Sufjan Stevens

I long for the day, when my mind can fully and willingly be set upon my Savior who loves me so much that he died for me.

1 If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
3 For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
Colossians 3

I need so much grace.

The Lord's mercy endures forever.


Take my life and let it be, consecrated Lord, to Thee

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Isaiah 55:8-9

Face the fact that you have no control over the future and no knowledge of the future, despite what you want to think.


Stare at the stars.

I desire to learn how to study the Bible for real.

"I could run away
But You would never leave
You would always stay
Right by my side

Everything I've ever wanted
I've found in You

and I need You, oh I need You
every step of the way"

-Enter the Worship Circle.



Now here is me goofing off with photobooth.


God is sooo good. But I hesitate saying this only for the complacent sense that precedes from it. Many people say this very thing, but this is the only way my over stuffed brain can describe how i feel right now without too much effort.

I'm doing good.

School is difficult. (or should I say that it is difficult for me to pay attention... it's that senior-itis) Relationships are complicated, but teach me much. Family is on my heart. Future is on my mind.

But God is proving to wake me up in a spiritual sense. Yes, even more awake than I've ever been. The kind of awake to where I really put a deep value and importance on His word. Yes, at this point I think Scripture is the most important thing in my life and I am seeking for a community of people with the same values. I've found a handful of people at the moment and they are dear to me.

And while I've understood and learned about the value of community, I've learned (or should i say re-learned) how we can't depend on man. We can't put our trust in man. He'll always let you down. That is so hard to remember.

Another thing. As I've touched on how I've grown to value the scriptures, I've learned to question everything. I challenge you to not stop there, but beyond our questions, opinions, and thoughts, it is important to search the answers out in the Holy Word.
THIS WILL BRING YOU CLOSER TO THE LORD THAN YOU REALIZE. A greater sense of who He is, fills your heart as you learn more about WHAT you believe. I've grown to hate it when people or even I proclaim something or give an opinion or even simply ask a question when there is no scripture to back it up or intention to even look in scripture about it. Or any kind of research whatsoever.

Sometimes, lately I've felt very uncomfortable. I guess that is a good place to be, but it's hard to be okay with that.