
On other posts.

I've changed a lot since July 08. My desires have changed and I'm learning to seek God, not my own self. Before I said many things that were probably really wrong and sometimes I want to delete many of my posts because it shows my sinful thinking and wrong theology, but other times I think to just leave it to remind myself of where I was.

Yup it's growing. A lot.

That is my garden. It is growing just like me. Blessed beyond all measure, I do not deserve what I have and I need to preach the gospel to myself every day. God surely answers prayers and he never fails us. Just got back from a blessed blessed service trip at Bass Lake and I got to know brothers and sisters in Christ so much better than I did before, what a blessing! May we grow in fellowship together, let us be real with ourselves, with each other, that we might taste and see the glory of God.


This is home

Belief over misery.
I’ve seen the enemy.
And I won’t go back.
Back to how it was.