
T. Hardy

"But wisdom lies in moderating mere impressions, and Gabriel endeavored to think little of this."



It's not good for me to get bored. Whenever I am not stimulated or things are the same old thing I try to think of ways to add a little color and spice to life. Unfortunately since being in Louisville for a year already there is not much to work with. This is when it gets dangerous and I begin to consider getting a tattoo or cutting all my hair off to experience newness and change and excitement. But hopefully I won't fall prey to my tattoo thoughts and instead it will work out for me to switch cities again. A nice trip to Paris will do for me. I guess I'd settle with DC too...

I know that it's not good for me to be as unstable as I feel. But I have talked with some older ladies at my church about these ideas that pop into my head and they don't seem to think that there is anything wrong with these thoughts. I am young. It is time to live.


This morning was

This morning was out of the ordinary.

I shot up 15 minutes before my alarm went off, at 6:15 --wide awake. Scenes from last nights dream were still running through my head and I smiled. For the first time in years I got up without a thought of turning over under the warm covers so I hit the shower. Rachmaninov's swift fingers flew across the piano and beautifully complimented this phase of the morning. I sat next to my open window with some English Tea and a blueberry muffin, reading as the sun gently rose.

I beat the sun.

The sun is such a sleepy head.


Random thoughts

I've been learning the value of pursuing people. Most people want to be wanted and respond well when you actively do so.

I enjoy pursuing others. It makes me so happy to get to know characters from all over the world and have a chance to figure out what they are passionate about, what puts a smile on their face--I have a chance to greatly impact them by speaking Truth in love.


But a problem occurs when I have in mind more people to get to know than I have time for. I am sad when this happens. However I suppose that this only signifies that a party is in order.


[Second] idea for the day

Every minute spent not-learning is a minute wasted.

Idea for the day

If we are struggling, it is not because of our circumstances, but because of what we allow to control our heart.

More to come.


Lessons from conversations

"Maturing in Christ is learning to run to Him quicker day by day."

-Jennifer Keisling

"You don't have to act the way you feel."

-Zane Pratt



The snow falls so silently.

While my thoughts rage as a sea storm.