
The sky is big.

"Seek refuge under the wings of God, even when they seem to cast only shadows,
and at just the right time God will let you look out from his Eagle's nest
onto some spectacular sunrise."


Know Christ

This is moving.
Makes me think.


"Whatever you do, find the God-centered, Christ-exalting, Bible-saturated passion of your life,
and find your way to say it
and live for it
and die for it.
And you will make a difference that lasts.
You will not waste your life."

-John Piper

This is the most clear thing I've heard in a while.


A Gentle Spirit

"but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious."

1 Peter 3:4

I love this verse.


color. flavor.

This photo describes a lot of me these days.

Sometimes I have these days where words just burst into my head and i need some sort of creative outlet to let them out. whether it's painting, drawing, writing, knitting, baking, taking pictures etc etc, i need it to be expressed or else it will just go to waste. today i just felt like reading but this provided more words to come into my head and i still have no where to let it out. whenever i sit down to write or draw or read, i just get scatterbrained and can't sit still and move on to do something else.

there is so much going on in my mind. so much color, so much creativity, so many words. i can hardly believe that i've sat down long enough to write as much as I have here.

I'm very confused about life sometimes. what do i do? who am i? who is HE? what is He teaching me? but truthfully during this season of life i am learning a lot bout the LORD Jesus Christ, about the truth in His Word, and the gospel! i think since i'm learning more about Him, as a result i learn more about how i truly am. in the heart, the deceitful heart that i have. but how does this pertain to my everyday life? i need to apply what i learn.

i just have this feeling inside. that something is in there. it needs to get out. and i'm not sure how or what it is. there is so much detail. so much vibrancy. when i close my eyes or listen to the rain and wind, it starts to move just around the corner. what is in the future? journeys, adventures, the unexpected at every second? maybe not. i think i'm a lot more of a weirder person than i show. but really at heart, i'm strange. i just don't let it out all the time. but i could.

people. people in my life. who is there and why? companionship is important, but lately it's been void. but there is so much i have to share.

thus, i have an impulse to run far far away. it's been there for about 2 weeks now.

nothing matters if it's not pointing to Christ.

i just want to know how to implement the wacky flavor and color that God has created my personality to be, for His glory. i want everything to point to him. how do i change from wanting to doing?

no one really knows me. but i wish i could be known! and to know another! But right now it's just me and God. and that is enough. the colors inside my head will just have to stay there for now. and maybe til heaven.

write write write! details details and so much color! pale vintage patterns, and tasty tasty scones! gentle smiles like the warm sun and the joy of the Creator!

well. what is around that corner? I have no clue!

sometimes i'm afraid of being myself.
sometimes i don't know who myself is.

i definitely hear a goose outside my window and it's 11:30pm.

i'm losing words now. goodbye.


Let the waters rise if You want them to

God I trust You
There's a raging sea
Right in front of me
Wants to pull me in
Bring me to my knees
So let the waters rise!
if You want them to!
I will follow You
I will follow You

I'm holding Your hand!


As long as You are glorified

Shall I take from Your hand Your blessings
Yet not welcome any pain
Shall I thank You for days of sunshine
Yet grumble in days of rain
Shall I love You in times of plenty
Then leave You in days of drought
Shall I trust when I reap a harvest
But when winter winds blow, then doubt

Oh let Your will be done in me
In Your love I will abide
Oh I long for nothing else as long
As You are glorified

Are You GOOD only when I prosper
And TRUE only when I'm filled
Are You KING only when I'm carefree
And God only when I'm well
You are good when I'm poor and needy!
You are true when I'm parched and dry!
You still reign in the deepest valley!
You're still God in the darkest night!

So quiet my restless heart
Quiet my restless heart
Quiet my restless heart in You



Rock of Ages

Nothing in my hand I bring,
Simply to the cross I cling;
Naked, come to Thee for dress;
Helpless look to Thee for grace;
Foul, I to the fountain fly;
Wash me, Savior, or I die.


I love the book of Ruth!

Is this not God's ideal woman? "Faith in God that sees beyond present bitter setbacks. Freedom from the securities and comforts of the world. Courage to venture into the unknown and strange. Radical commitment in the relationships appointed by God."


His grace is sufficent.

Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshiped.
And he said, "Naked I came from my mother's womb and naked shall i return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD."

Job 1:21

O God I cling with feeble fingers to the edge of Your great grace.


My heart was steadied

By the grace of God through this sermon. May I not forget these truths!



My heart aches, for this is where it's found..


"So homemaking is a career that demands considerable expertise, may encompass decades of our lives, and has the potential to spread the gospel to our families, churches, communities, and future generations. Now that's a career worth preparing for, wouldn't you say?"


No place, no destination, no thing, no person will ever truly satisfy me.
Only Jesus.

New Year

Just some pictures.


my favorite. : )


A guilty, weak and helpless worm, on Thy kind arms I fall.