
One Day

I have just about one day left in the States. I'm not exactly sure how I feel yet. Sometimes I'm nervous, sometimes I'm excited, sometimes I'm sad, sometimes I'm absolutely pumped up and ready to leave pronto, sometimes indifferent. I suppose it just depends.

But I do know one thing... I'm know that I'm going to learn a lot when I'm abroad because I've already learned so much! I am realizing how great I have it here in Fresno. I've grown very accustomed to my hometown, mostly because of the people in it: my family and friends. I have a great little thing goin on in my life and that makes me grateful.

As I get ready to depart, I sometimes choke and have a sudden urge to hold on to my life here. I need to learn to let go and as I do learn this lesson, I realize how much control God has. Like I wrote in a previous myspace blog ages ago, nothing belongs to us. Not our material possessions, not our money, not friends or family. These things were given to us by a gracious God and can be taken away at any moment.

My life in Fresno does not belong to me. My life abroad does not belong to me. When choosing to live for God you must be prepared to give everything up for him. He said,

"Then he said to them all: 'If anyone would come after me,
he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow
me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but
whoever loses his life for me will save it. What good is it for
a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very
self? If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of
Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory
and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.'"
Luke 9:23-26

He gave up his life for me, why can't I do the same for Him?

Now I'm not trying to say that I'm going to do anything too radical. I'm simply talking about the day by day choices I make. I've actually made a New Year's Resolution this year. I hope to really challenge myself by becoming more aware of God and his will for my life. I decided to try to follow this Bible plan and read the whole thing in a year. I challenge you all to consider challenging yourselves this new year as well.

Remember to live each moment to the fullest while it's here. Don't worry about the future. Concern yourself with the now.


  1. Yackie... you're gone :(
    We've been talking about this semester for so long and it finally snuck up on us and you packed your bags and got on that plane. I'm so glad I got to see you before you left and that we got to chill the last day of 2007 with our lovely Datsko ladies.
    I'm praying for you and am excited that so many of us are reading through the Bible together this year.
    Miss you ochen ochen!

  2. Yackie... you're gone :(
    We've been talking about this semester for so long and it finally snuck up on us and you packed your bags and got on that plane. I'm so glad I got to see you before you left and that we got to chill the last day of 2007 with our lovely Datsko ladies.
    I'm praying for you and am excited that so many of us are reading through the Bible together this year.
    Miss you ochen ochen!

  3. It was good to read your verse that you included in your blog. I needed to remember that.
    Hooray to New Year's resolutions. I would like to try that Bible thing you are doing :). Clue me in...

  4. great encouragement
    i think i will have a blogspot to write my thoughts as well while all my friends leave and i am here still to continue

  5. I got a One Year Bible plan too! i miss you already jackie, i am so excited for you and all your new adventures.
