
El aeropuerto estaba fenomenal

Airports are great for entertainment. Today I had a chance to visit the airport & pick up friends of mine, but I arrived earlier than necessary because I wanted to people watch. I headed straight for Starbucks and strangely enough, there was no barista in sight so I sat on a stool to begin my entertainment. A few minutes later someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned to find a tall, curly long-haired man, with a rugged face and indie tattoos on his forearms. "Are you waiting for a drink or just waiting?" he asked. He was loud and full of smiles. I would describe Daniel as full of life, curious, and sociable. I feel fondly towards him, but perhaps I feel fondly toward him because he gave me a free drink and had some nice words to say to me. I don't think that was it.

Since it was a slow day for this particular Starbucks, the barista and I got to talking.

The best part of my day is when Daniel pointed out something. There was an old couple walking side by side together towards security. They looked just like any normal couple until you noticed the details. They were both pulling one carry on roller bag together. Their hands shared the plastic handle, side by side, in a sweet way that expressed, we don't have to say a word. Daniel and I both admired and watched until they arrived at security. The white haired man kissed his (wife?) on the forehead as she departed. He waited until she was through security before he left the airport. It was possibly the sweetest thing I've ever seen and certainly made my day.

Daniel and I, we shared a moment in time, an experience, together. We made a memory that neither of us will ever have shared with anyone else. We discussed our mutual love of people watching, various ways people watching can teach you life lessons, funny people watching stories, and had a genuinely good conversation. It was a genuinely pleasurable hour of my time, sitting with a stranger and watching the world travel. While I was waiting for my friends.

What are moments like this derived from? Can they be intentionally made? Or do they just happen whenever the mystic forces allow them to? I'm going to think about this.

I need to sleep. Today was a rough day and my head is aching worse than it has in a while.

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