
A piece of paper is not enough

As of recent, I've decided to give myself an education. Previous to this present season of life, I admittedly (and guiltily) believed that receiving the paper that one is presented with if completed all the required classes for a B.A., meant that I was educated. This is not true.

However, gratefully (and obviously), I have come to the realization that the world, indeed, has continued to spin. Thus, there are a plethora of things to continue to learn about. Upon this new season of life, I realize how very little I know about the world--its politics, economics, culture and art. I blame my heritage for it taking me 24 years to realize how little I know.

Did that sound harsh? I hope it didn't. But where I come from knowledge, experience, even questions about the outside world is minimal. I was the first in my extended family to receive a college degree and this led me to believe that my education was complete. I didn't think about my learning beyond Fresno; although, I quite instinctively felt that I wanted to see more, experience more. (Please note: I am not trying to denigrate where I'm from or who I am. I'm proud of my Mexican/American heritage. I am proud of growing up on a farm in the Central Valley. I am now, more than ever.)

I've been exposed to a lot in a short period of time since moving to Kentucky. This is not because Kentucky is the center of the world for culture, arts and politics. (It definitely is not.) But perhaps because of the diverse people that I've met or because of specific situations that I've found myself in, that I now have discovered how little I know.

Whatever the reason, the truth is that I do need to continue learning. And now that I've come to this realization, my brain has become a 7/11 always-open, type of sponge. It is eager and desperate to receive all the possible information that it can within a 24 hour day. That's right, sometimes I don't even want to sleep because I want to stay up and read about theology or explore politics online or watch a documentary on how to grow an organic farm or write about what I'm learning or continue studying the Spanish language, so that my brain will grow and education will continue. I've felt quite obsessive for the past two weeks or so. Sometimes I can't sit still unless I'm learning or doing something productive.

I've had a thought to record what I learn and the opinions that I have formed as a result of my education here, on this blog. Right now it's just a thought.

My only fear is that this intense flame that has bubbled inside me will die with time. I do hope that this does not happen.




"The third momentous implication is that this people-growth happens only through the power of God's Spirit as he applies his word to people's hearts. That's the way people are converted, and that's the way people grow in maturity in Christ. We plant and water, but God gives the growth. We speak God's word to someone, and the Spirit enables a response."

-Marshall & Payne

Basics, but this is the Church.

would it be much better if i knew nothing about you


Muchas palabras

Hay muchas palabras que quiero decir... pero no puedo. Mis palabras flotando.



I love Julia Child. I love cooking. It has become like art to me. I wish I could experiment all day long.


La mujer esta en el apartamento.


I love the fashion on the above blog-- for the most part, it exemplifies my taste. I like what is vintage, classy, with a beautiful hint of quirky. I love the feminine suggestiveness through each photo. It inspires me.

More to come.



I think I know who I am now. Took me awhile, but I figured it out.