

December 31, 2007- only a year ago. o have things changed

January 2008- Jan 5. First day in Perugia, Italy

: ))) Perugia by night!

February- Field trip with my Creative Writing class

March- Traveled to countries with some good friends, what a blessing!! The Arch de Triomphe in Paris

April- Learned about the History of Christianity in Rome

May- Said goodbye to the roommates :/

Tina and I set out to backpack! On the Spanish steps
Did some touristy things in Barcelona

In the Alahambra in Granada

The most beautiful place i've ever been Cinque Terre, italy

Went to London alone,- by the grace of God- what an adventure!

June- Came home!- missed the country!

July- Coldplay, summer consisted of a lot of friend time. : ) lots of growing too.
August- I moved into Heaton 11 with some great girls! : )

September- a wonderful group of friends and I took a blessed Yosmemite trip to Tuolumne Meadows. :)

October- Filled with ultimate frisbee! Ended in a championship. : )

November- a trip to enjoy God's grace in Yosemite

December- A group of friends gathered to celebrate a birthday.
Oh how so much has changed. Thank goodness this has been a year of incredible growth for me. I've learned, been challenged, and stretched. I still have a long way to go! I look forward to more times like above, by God's grace and God's grace only. I wonder what is ahead... and if anything is ahead...

2009 is here!


  1. ah! love it. i love seeing this.. so much joy because of God's overflowing love and compassion that he delights to give...

  2. those are amazing pictures. Italy looks so great...
