I only have around 24 days left in Perugia and am currently clambering to enjoy every aspect that I took for granted earlier in the program.
A wise man once said: The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.
Tonight a group of friends and I decided to spend some money on a good, traditional, Italian meal. The kind where there are four courses: bread, a primi, secondri, deserts, wines, etc. Its the kind of dinners that begin at 8 and take two to three hours to complete. The wonderful kind that leave you stuffed.
Afterwards the seven of us went for a leisurely walk up the street. It was around 10:30pm and we wanted to walk a friend to her apartment. So we stopped by and on our way home, we decided that our lovely walk on this perfect spring evening was not yet complete. We continued up the hill towards a famous circle church that is in our town. I didn't know where it was yet and I wanted to see it. It was late at night, and the town was quiet. Street lights were lit and so were a few buildings. On our way back we walked along the over look near our house.
Since Perugia is on top of a hill-mountain, there are great views of the floor below and everything leading down to it. It was so nice to see. The city lights at night are my favorite part of Perugia. There were also some moments during our walk in which we were able to clearly see a few stars in the night sky--something that I dearly miss.
I don't feel like I'm ready to leave my town yet. I know that final projects are next week and final exams are close after that. But I'm afraid that I haven't seen everything the town has to offer yet. Guess I'll just have to live it up.
that meal sounded absolutely amazing! makes me want to stuff my face with italian food also...